Is Your Dog Feeling Under The Weather? How To Tell If It's Coming Down With Canine Flu


Flu season is here, and it's a bad one. Not only are humans being affected on a widespread basis, but so are dogs. That's because canine flu season is particularly bad this year too. Unfortunately, your dog can't tell you when it's feeling bad. You need to keep an eye out for it. Here are four signs of canine flu that you need to be aware of. If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, it's time to talk to the veterinarian.

Persistent Rattling Cough

If you thought a persistent rattling cough was only a symptom of the human flu, you'd be wrong. In fact, a persistent cough may be one of the first signs your dog exhibits when it's coming down with canine flu. Unfortunately, a persistent cough can be just as devastating for your dog as it can be for you, especially if it isn't treated properly. If your dog has developed a persistent cough that rattles from its chest, you need to schedule an appointment with the veterinarian. A rattling cough that isn't treated can turn into pneumonia.

Thick Nasal Discharge

If your dog has a runny nose, it could be due to nasal irritation, or even allergies. If that's the case, give your dog plenty of water and treat it with the same over-the-counter liquid allergy medication that children are given. However, if your dog has developed a thick nasal discharge that is interfering with its breathing, and that is green or brown in color, it's time to head to the veterinarian. Your dog has flu symptoms that will need to be treated.

Loss of Appetite

If your dog has suddenly lost its appetite, you may be looking at the flu, especially if you can't find any other reason for the appetite loss. Try offering a few tasty treats that your dog usually won't pass up. If the treats don't bring your dogs appetite back, you're probably looking at the flu. Continue offering plenty of fresh water, and then contact the vet. If your dog is still refusing to eat after 24 hours, an emergency trip to the vet or an animal hospital, like Countryside Animal Hospital, may be in order.

Desire to Sleep All Day

If your dog has taken to sleeping all day, chances are good that it's coming down with the flu. In some cases, your dog may simply need to sleep it off for a day or two. However, if its desire to sleep all day is coupled with a loss of appetite, nasal discharge, and a cough, you need to get to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Your dog may require additional medical treatment for its flu symptoms.


31 January 2018

choosing a pet day care for your beloved dog

Our pets are like our children — they need to be cared for when we are away. After being a stay at home mom for many years, I had to make some serious adjustments when I reentered the workforce. My children are all grown, but my dog just can't be home by himself. I had to find a day care for him to go to when I went to work. I was conflicted — how do I choose the day care that will provide him with the love, care and attention that he is used to? This blog will provide you with the same tips that I was given that helped me choose.