Send Your Pup to the Spa before These Occasions


When you send your pet dog to the local animal spa for bathing, grooming, and other services, you'll be impressed at how your pup looks when you return to pick it up. Spas for dogs can transform your pet, giving it a stylish trim and helping it to look and smell much cleaner. You may wish to book these sessions for your pet on a regular basis, but there's also value in taking the animal to the spa on other occasions—namely, before important events for which you want your dog to be clean. Here are three such occasions.

Family Photos

There's no disputing the fact that a dog is a true member of the family, and this is why many people opt to have their animal included in family photos. Whether you've hired a photographer for some outdoor pictures in the summer or a holiday portrait to send out with your greeting cards, you'll want your dog in the photo—and you'll want it to appear clean, groomed, and properly looked after. Booking your dog into the animal spa in advance of any photo shoot will have the pet looking its best as it sits with your family for the photographer.

Gatherings in Your Home

If you're the type of person who enjoys hosting gatherings in your home, you have to expect that a lot of people will be keen to see your pet. You likely take pride in your dog's behavior, but the same should hold true for its appearance. If your pet is a little shaggy or perhaps doesn't smell as clean as you'd like, it's time to think about a visit to the dog spa. This is especially true if children will be attending your gathering. You don't want a child cuddling your dog and then loudly declaring to anyone within earshot that the animal smells.

House Cleanings

Some people clean their homes weekly but also pay for professional cleaning services to give their homes a deep cleaning several times a year. When you have this appointment booked, it's a good idea to schedule a visit to the dog spa for your dog at the same time. The last thing you want when you've had your carpet and furniture cleaned is to have a dog that doesn't smell very fresh curled up in a newly cleaned area. Contact a few dog spas in your community to evaluate the services that they provide.


13 November 2018

choosing a pet day care for your beloved dog

Our pets are like our children — they need to be cared for when we are away. After being a stay at home mom for many years, I had to make some serious adjustments when I reentered the workforce. My children are all grown, but my dog just can't be home by himself. I had to find a day care for him to go to when I went to work. I was conflicted — how do I choose the day care that will provide him with the love, care and attention that he is used to? This blog will provide you with the same tips that I was given that helped me choose.